Why Maps?
Any book that starts with a map is likely to be an excellent one. The reduction of a story into a simple drawing with symbols and pathways lets the imagination run riot.
Whether it was the delicate path through 100 Acre Wood tracing the path from Piglet's house to Eeyore's Gloomy Place, or the footprints appearing on the Marauder's Map, or the ancient ocean maps full of terra incognita and wondrous mythical sea creatures, all are utterly enchanting.
Also, maps are biased. Sometimes this isn't helpful, but in the Cartographer's Compass where you will be creating an entirely personal atlas of maps, this bias is truly wonderful. You get to choose what is included and what is left out. What a fabulous power that is!
Maps hark back to a simpler, more certain time. Real or imaginary, this nostalgia provides a safe place, away from the noise of contemporary life, to allow our imaginations space to roam and ask ourselves "what if...".
Too often people start the year with a New Year Resolution or similar - a bold goal which proves hard to achieve because there is a lack of the map of how to get there. We will right that wrong through this creative, playful but also extremely useful and strategic course.

What's included?
- A self-guided course which will take you through:
- A short reflection on the previous year
- Creating your own compass with your core values, passions and purpose
- Effective goal setting for this year
- Mapping the pathway to smashing those goals
- Mindset shifts with a special phrenologist map
- A star map to connect the dots
- A series of beautifully designed, printable resources to guide you through this adventure
- 4 live workshops throughout the year: in January, May, September and December (a morning and evening option offered for each - dates below)
- Bonus videos to show how to turn your map into a folded pop-up map and other creative activities. NB. These are optional add ons - don't feel scared of this bit if you're not feeling crafty)
Dates for the live workshops are (with an evening and morning option):
January 28th 7-8.30pm or 30th 10-11.30am
May 13th 7-8pm or 15th 10-11am
September 2nd 7-8pm or 4th 10-11am
December Celebration 16th 7-8.30pm or 18th 10-11.30
Testimonials from other courses:

Waiting List
Sign up here to be the first in line when this course is open for the New Year.

What will you get out of this course?
- A creative approach to new year planning for your life, your business or for a specific project
- Strategic planning tools to help you with effective action planning
- A thorough exploration of what you can put in place to achieve your goals this year
- Ongoing encouragement through the live workshops
- A beautiful community of lovely folk to share this journey with
- Oh and you get to look at and play with lots of lovely maps
Will there be a recording of the live workshops?
Could you deliver this course live for my group?
Can I choose what I focus on?
Do I have to attend the live workshops?
When are the live workshops again?
Is the course captioned?
What if I don't have a printer?
Why is it £79?

A bit about me, your guide to this special form of cartography
I've always loved a good story and try to spend at least a small part of my day allowing my imagination to wander and to day dream.
This course combines several things I love: maps (have I mentioned I love maps yet, not sure if I have ;), being creative and doing a serious strategic thing in a playful way.
If I'm creatively engaged in planning I am far more likely to make that plan stick... something I know I share with many of you.
I've got a background in making theatre and putting on participatory arts projects, encouraging people to be creative in their everyday lives.
I'm also a beadwork artist, delighting in making miniature things using gorgeous tiny, sparkly beads.
Making courses like the Cartographer's Compass makes my heart sing as much as making theatre or beadwork. It's such a delight. I hope this enthusiasm rubs off on you and you take the leap on this adventure with me!